remember this post, from front, that explained responsive web design? love that one.

front created another series of gifs I wanted to share, this one about the history of web design.

it's amazing to see how quickly web design has evolved and kinda fun to learn a little bit more about what all these terms we always hear (java, flash, css) really mean. click through to read the full explanations!

the dark ages of web design (1989)

the dark ages of web design (1989)

tables – the beginning (1995)

tables – the beginning (1995)

javascript comes to the rescue (1995)

javascript comes to the rescue (1995)

the golden era of freedom – flash (1996)

the golden era of freedom – flash (1996)

CSS (1998)

CSS (1998)

mobile uprising – grids and frameworks (2007)

mobile uprising – grids and frameworks (2007)

responsive web design (2010)

responsive web design (2010)

the times of the flat (2010)

the times of the flat (2010)

the bright future (2014)

the bright future (2014)

read the full history and learn more over here.